'How to get your customers to talk' Webinar Recap and Q&A 5 years ago

‘How to get your customers to talk’ Webinar Recap and Q&A

Earlier this month we hosted ‘How to get your customers to talk without bribery or torture tactics’ as part of our new Technique of the Week Training Webinars.  

What is Technique of the Week? It’s our free virtual training classes led by Co Founder and CEO Jeff Ernst.  In some of our future classes he will also be joined by our RockStar Customers, and Customer led Partners.  Whether you are new to SlapFive, or simply want a refresher, this is a great opportunity to get an interactive training on some hot topics in the Customer Voice world.  Learn about our upcoming trainings and register today to save your spot.  Don’t see a topic that matches your use case?  Let us know we want to hear from you.

In the webinar we covered the 8 ways to get customers to share their voice.  Watch the on demand video replay to learn about how we figured out the recipe for making customers clamor to share their voice. View some of our Use Cases here to see these 8 ways applied by our customers.

Listen below to hear Jeff answer some of the top questions asked during the training webinar.

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